Join the Discussions!

Plenary Session I, Monday, 09:30 - 11:00
The 3rd Samos Summit 2012, on Open Data and Interoperability: "From Samos to Europe and the World"

Plenary Session II, Monday, 11:30 - 13:00
Future Internet and Interoperability: Defining the shape of Tomorrow

Plenary Session III, Monday, 14:30 - 16:00
Open Data for Science, Society and Business

Plenary Session  IV, Monday, 16:30 - 18:00
Open Data and Interoperability: Regional Views and Opportunities

The ENGAGE Workshops on Open Data, Tuesday, 10:30 - 12:30
WorkShop I: Open Data Requirements
WorkShop II: The ENGAGE Open Data Prototype
WorkShop III: New visions and ideas for Open Data and Governance

Plenary presentation of the FInES, Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00
ENSEMBLE Project Workshops on Enteprise Interoperability Science Base
WorkShop IV: WS IV (EISB WG.1): EISB Framework and Assets
WorkShop V: WS V (EISB WG.2): Exploiting the EISB – Motivation, Benefits and Sustainability
WorkShop VI: WS VI (EISB WG.3): Moving the EISB forward - New visions for FInES research

eFiscal Workshop on computing e-Infrastructure costs (VIIa, VIIb, VIIc, VIId)
Tuesday, 3rd July 2012, 14:00 – 16:00 (a) & 16:30 – 18:00 (b)
Wednesday, 4th July 2012, 09:30 – 11:00 ( c) & 11:30 – 13:00 (d)

WS VIII: Legal challenges for FP7 projects: a +Spaces and WeGov workshop
Wednesday, 4th July 2012, 09:30 – 11:00 (a) & 11:30 – 13:00 (b)

WS IX: Towards a Multilevel Policy and Regulatory Framework for Open Innovation
Wednesday, 4th July 2012, 09:30 – 11:00

WS X: PADGETS/NOMAD Workshop on Open Data Analytics
Wednesday, 4th July 2012, 11:30 – 13:00

WS XI: A Roadmap for the migration of the FInES Research Roadmap on the Web
Wednesday, 4th July 2012, 11:30 – 13:00