Maria Geronymaki, eGovernment in the Digital Agenda and future eGovernment Research in FP7
Yannis Charalabidis, ICT for Governance and Policy Modelling: The CROSSROADS Ahead
Nikos Kryvossidis, Online Services provision in the Era of Mobility and Social Media
Wilfried Grommen, Cloud infrastructures for supporting lean and open Governance
Alan Hartman, The Grand Challenges for Modeling and Simulation in the Public Sector
Jeremy Pitt, Research Challenges in the Area of Policy Modelling
Marijin Janssen, The electronic governance research community: reflections and challenges
Julia Glidden, Participative Government Approaches: Lessons Learned and Research Ideas from 20 European Electronic Citizen Participation Pilots
Dimitris Askounis, CROSSROAD: Project Review and Current status
Fenareti Lampathaki, CROSSROAD: State of the Art
Gianluca Misuraca, CROSSROAD: Envisioning Digital Europe 2030
Melanie Bicking, CROSSROAD: Gap Analysis and New Directions
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Michiel Malotaux, Keynote Speech: "On a Framework for eGovernment Operation and Research"
David Osimo, A preview of the ICT Research Roadmap for Governance and Policy Modelling
Steven Bishop, "FuturIcT - a Flagship Proposal"
Jose Maria Moreno Jimenez, "E-Cognogracy: the Knowledge Society Democracy"
Ian Everall, "Breaking through complexity: Using visualization technologies to empower citizens and stakeholders in the urban planning process"
Irina Zalisova, Next steps in CROSSROAD
Francesco Niglia, "NET EU CEN: Network of European Stakeholders for Enhancing User Centricity in eGovernance"
Scott Moss, The Scientific Rationale of Ocopomo: Policy modeling and scenarios
Athina Vrakatseli, Introducing the WeGov Project
Antonis Ramfos, New approaches in Collaborative Digital Public Services
Lanfranco Marasso, “Towards unified technology platforms for eGovernance”
Friday, 8 July 2010
Antonis Ramfos, COCKPIT: Citizens Collaboration & Co-creation in Public Service Delivery
Euripides Loukis, PADGETS: Policy Gadgets Mashing Underlying Group Knowledge in Web 2.0 Media
Michal Jacovi, +SPACES: Positive Spaces
Habin Lee, UBIPOL: Ubiquitous Participation Platform
George Gionis, "The Greek Interoperability Centre: A research Infrastructure for Governance"
Blaz Golob, "The needs of the Governments in the open and participative governance era: Views from the Western Balkans"